IT News/Ubuntu

how to debug application as root in eclipse in Ubuntu?

skyLove1982 2014. 9. 2. 15:15

how to debug application as root in eclipse in Ubuntu?

  1. Enable your user to run as root without being asked for any password:
    sudo visudo
    Add the following line after all other rules:
    <youruser> ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gdb
  2. Create or modify a debug configuration in to run gdb as root
    e.g. in Run > Debug Configurations > C/C++ Application > YourProject Debug:
    change Debugger > Main > GDB debugger from gdb to sudo -U <youruser> gdb

Update (and warning!):

In his comment nategoose pointed out that this answer should come with a warning:

Enabling a user to use sudo for gdb like suggested in my answer in fact gives admin privileges to him/her which in many cases might be an undesired side effect. I therefore consider the answer appropriate in an environment where it's not assumed that the user would try to harm the system (e.g. it's your own personal computer or a virtual machine)

For a multi-(non-trusted)-user environment I think it might be a better idead to utilize unix' file capabilities to enable gdb to debug an application without the need of admin privileges

ex.  test      ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/gdb

test means user account in linux


but before you do this, you would better to make another account because if you restart your computer it will ask password but it doesn't work. So I had to re-insatll ubuntu.
